Our Core Values

As a Christian organization, the AMAA is led by our Lord Jesus Christ. The AMAA exists to serve its people, particularly to vulnerable families, in both word and deed.

The AMAA seeks to accomplish its mission through unconditional loyalty to the following values:

    1. The AMAA, in all of its initiatives, shall seek to deliver the high quality service.
    2. The AMAA encourages its employees to think innovatively and creatively and to be devoted to maintaining a strong and productive work ethics.
    3. The AMAA encourages employees to seek to create an environment of open communication, teamwork, and responsibility, as well as cooperation and mutual understanding with their beneficiaries.
    4. All people, regardless of race, religion, ethnicity, gender, education, or socio-economic status are precious to God, and therefore worthy of love and fair treatment. The AMAA does not discriminate against anyone; it bases its activities purely on the above-mentioned values and principles.
    5. Being relentlessly faithful to the highest standards of ethical and moral conduct, the AMAA never corrupts, deceives, or provides false information.

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